Tailor-made cabinets and storage for home theatre, music and listening rooms.

Home theatre, music and multi-media rooms are vastly improved with custom-made cabinetry. Thoughtfully designed cabinetry can make one room do the work of ten. A home theatre can become a superb gaming room, a luxurious stereo listening room, and a wonderful retreat as well as a space for socializing. Clever cabinetry can make your room adaptable, Your room can be transformed with tailor-made wall units or full height, concealing wall panels.

Far more than just give you somewhere to house your amplifiers, custom-made cabinetry will make the room more enjoyable and positively enhance the sensorial experience. Tailor-made home theatre furniture, whether built-in or freestanding, will improve the room’s acoustics, as well as aesthetics.

Improve your Home Theatre’s WAF.

Many people will barge ahead, spending a ransom on equipment, giving little to no thought to the room itself. Room functionality and acoustics are critical, as the best gear in the world put into a room full of acoustic problems will sound like rubbish. You’ll get more bang for your buck with decent room design that includes cabinetry. Well-designed cabinetry can also radically enhance your Home Theatre’s WAF (or Wife Approval Factor). When considering acoustics, one should never forget household harmony.

Whether you’re looking to build or a multi-purpose, multi-media room for the whole family, or dedicated audio listening room (read luxury man-cave), tailor-made cabinets will help you get the best from the equipment and enhance the experience of the room itself. We especially love these sorts of projects, so if you have something in mind, please email us your ideas as soon as you’re ready to share them.